We’re going to try something new. No we’re not getting in the e-commerce business per see, but we have some stuff to get rid of. I’ve spent the last two weekends cleaning out our big barn and I’m only about 20% done. There’s stuff in there that we’ve had for a long time and is no longer used or needed.
Some of this will go on eBay, some on CraigsList, but for now, we’re going to try and cut out the middleman and see how it goes.
It also looks like I’ll be helping Kyle Jr. part out his dads bike. Which got me thinking, there has to be a simple and easy way to throw together a simple e-commerce site. One to publish items for sale, and manage inventory. When we part out this bike (and other stuff), there’s pretty much only going to be one of everything. Once it’s sold I want it to just disappear without a lot of head aches or management.
I’m going to give this WordPress plug-in a go (wp-eccommerce).
The first item is posted on the products page now, it’s a big spool of electrical cable that we purchased for the barn but didn’t use. (Long story but the bottom line is it’s left over, and I’m tired of looking at it).
I suspect Claudine will want to post some of our used Home Schooling Curriculum that she no longer uses.
There’s simply no sense in paying eBay fees for stuff like that. So without further adieu… Our online store is here: The Product Listing Page.
Make sure to get in touch with the best satellite internet providers when the time will come.