- Shot like crap[tm] today @ Glock shoot. :/ Good thing they only take your top two scores. Means I can't suck next time. #
- New Front Brakes on Minivan, Money saved doing it myself $300, money saved cause son works there $31.39, Thanks Michael! #
- is reevaluating Bulleit Bourbon. http://www.bulleitbourbon.com/ #
- Came home to two non-responsive devices today: Storm: 2, (-1 AppleTV, -1 DirectTV HDVR ) :/ #
- Power Outages are a great time to discover just how many of your emergency lights don't work. Thanks #Triangle Building. #
- At the Apple store. And I thought people watching at Walmart was fun. This takes it to a whole new level. #
- Dead AppleTV replaced, fairly painless. Kinda like going to the Dr Office with an appointment. You still get to wait 30 extra minutes. #
- Man, some awesome Hockey the last few nights. Nothing like Stanley Cup Playoffs. #
- is looking forward to dinner with a friend tomorrow night at http://www.elmeson.net #