- Trying to get twitterbery to recognise my name and pass #
- Generator = good, extension cords everywhere = bad. cmon Duke, please get the power back on soon. #
- Yeah! looks like another episode of cops is going down at the low income apartments down the street. #
- Off to put more gas in the generator then hit the sack. #
- Bailed on the jesus phone for now. Too many reception issues. I’m sure the power outages in the area are causing it, yeah that’s it. #
- Yeah! Power is back, generator wiring undone, all is well but internet still fubar. #
- @tboland yeah you and a million other folks claim to have watched that. I bet you were at the freezer bowl too. 🙂 #
- I need a shirt that looks like someone spilled crap on me: http://tinyurl.com/5e54qr on sale today! #
- @wendyneu That’s exactly how my wife described her experience of using an epi-lady once. Yep, just like that. #
- Two words for the day: “Reading Comprehension”, get to know them, understand them, and your life will be a better place. 🙂 #