How far will you ride for a Moonburger?

So a couple years ago I was invited to a Moonshine lunch run for a Moonburger.  But as thing turned out I couldn’t make it.   This year I planned a head and made sure that date was available.

What the heck is a Moonburger?

A Moonburger is a delicious hamburger made at the Moonshine Inn, in Moonshine, IL (population of 2).   It’s open Monday through Saturday from 5:30am to 12:30pm.   At 12:30pm she (Helen) shuts off the grill.   If you haven’t gotten your burger by then you are as they say SOL.   You can still get a cold cut sandwich if you’d like.

What’s the Moonshine run?

This was the 5th annual Moonshine Lunch run, and my first.  It started 5 years ago and 30 people came.   Now it’s a big deal.  Well over 800 people were there this year.   All through word of mouth and the internet.

We rode to Moonshine, or actually into Casey, IL Friday morning.   There was a lunch ride on Friday but we didn’t get there early enough to participate.  We did however participate in the Friday night Dinner at Richards Farm Restaurant.  Which coincidentally was a bonus location for the Cape Fear Rally.

I highly recommend that you eat there if given the opportunity.

We stayed the night at some flea bag hotel (the Budget Host Inn) in Greenup to be exact.   Which as flea bags go was OK, and nobody was complaining at a $45/night rate. 

Our original plan was to stay Friday night, ride to get a MoonBurger, ride some more.   Stay for the Chili dinner on Saturday and leave on Sunday.   Bad, bad weather was predicted for Sunday so we bailed after the MoonBurger.

Still a great weekend ride.   Not far, not long, but a good ride.   Next year we’ll make it part of a 1000 mile loop so we can claim we rode a 1000 miles for a Moonburger.  🙂

It was plenty packed:

From Moonshine Run

If you’re gonna ride this far, you might as well get (2)  🙂

More photos at the link above.

Till Next Year.

Get Off My Land! (part 2)

A few weeks ago I wrote about a survey that we had done and the encroachments that it turned up.   (read about that here)

Today was ‘D-Day’ for the fence up front.  We tried to be a good neighbor.  We contacted our neighbors, an elderly couple who ‘rents’ the property.

We informed them of the survey, and the results.   Actually the first call was a month ago, and I left a very detailed message asking if they needed or wanted to keep the fence, if so we’d need to get a legal document (at their expense) that acknowledges that they have part of our property fenced in.

That phone call was not returned, so Claudine tried.

Things went from bad to worse.  Both of our neighbors acted like complete a-holes.   We tried to reason with them, and I was very impressed with Claudine and the way she handled them on the phone.

Despite being treated poorly we still took the high road (not my idea mind you).   However, I was no longer in any position to grant them a favor.  No documents, the fence had to be moved or we’d move it.

So we sent them a certified letter indicating that today (the 8th) was the day that if they had not removed the fence that we’d do it and we stuck to our guns.  We ended up giving them more than two weeks.  Plenty of time for them to hire a lawyer to stop us and/or get their own survey.   (Which would have been pointless).

So we started bright an early this morning.   I was somewhat disappointed that the neighbors didn’t even bother to show up and put up a fight.  Especially given the attitude they presented on the phone.  In the back of my mind I was prepared to find one of them chained to the fence in protest.   But that didn’t happen.

With the aid of our Farmers BobCat and Chain we were able to pull all of the trees and fence posts on the fence line that we wanted.  

We even managed to get 18 little pine trees planted.

It was still a very long day though and I’m glad it’s over.



From Fence No More

More photos online here

It was a very satisfying day.