- Going out to see a movie with Claudine… First time we’ve been out w/o the baby since he was born. Should be fun. #
Twitter Updates for 2008-10-31
- @wendyneu I believe this weekend is Daylight Loosing Time… #
Best Costume at Seapine
Twitter Updates for 2008-10-29
- @tboland If you need a tutorial with a Mac, you are overqualified to use it. 🙂 #
Twitter Updates for 2008-10-28
- @tboland She wasn’t getting $1400, but she *could*. Obama needs you to share your wealth, cause they need it and it isn’t fair if you don’t #
- Finally after two years, our furnace finally works *right*. We’re good to go and ready for Mr. Winter. #
- http://tinyurl.com/5upf2w Clearly summarizes how the Bengals got where they are and who’s to blame. (duh) #
- I recently learned that Verizon charges you ‘out of network’ minutes to check your voice mail. How awesome is that? #