- Went riding with Jason tonight, I think he’ll be allright. Check back in a couple weeks. #
- @wendyneu this is exactly why we never ask you to drive to lunch 😉 #
- Its true, FatBurgers is delicious. Not Chipotle delicious but pretty dang good. #
- @tboland Virtual tie on the Burger, Culvers gets the nod for all their extra tasty stuff. #
- RT: Chipotle is raising prices, world to end soon. http://tinyurl.com/52of25 #
Twitter Updates for 2008-10-15
- @tboland If she’s never cut hair before she probably has more experience than a lot of those chicks, she probably wan’t hung over either. #
- Man, there are some really, really bad JQuery tutorials out there… I’m talking totally useless, or broken as hell tutorials… #
- Demo’s like drop down menus that look pretty but break as soon as you put actually links in them. WTF. Yeah Panzer I’m talking about you. #
Twitter Updates for 2008-10-14
- @tboland Not possible #
- Michael’s Moto Q is dead. Just fires up with a bootloader prompt. Tried Motorola’s updater it bails at 19% suggestions anyone? #
- Much to my surprise, there were actually two full pots of coffee today at 9:30am. Coincidence? I think not. #
- Jason buy motorcycle, Jason ride bike, Jason fall down. Jason OK. 🙂 #
- @tboland More than (2) USB too, and a display that opens up farther than 92 degrees would be nice too. #
- Apple: End User Serviceable/Replaceable Hard Drives@ Now that’s innovation! 🙂 #
- The EPeat site is down, apparently I’m not the only one who wonders why this matters to any of us. #
- @tboland Fear not, Obama will make it fordable with Tax rebates 😉 He’ll probably introduce an Apple/Tree Hugger rebate program. #
- @tboland negative… I’ll wait till Rick gets one. #
Twitter Updates for 2008-10-13
- I wasn’t here 45 minutes and I spilled my coffee… More like dribbled it, all over my lap. 🙁 #
- IF I find the person who took the last cup of coffee, didn’t bother to make more @ 9am, or even turn off the burner, I will harm you. #
- Google Apps for Domains is the stuff. Perfect for small companies and family email etc. #
- So Jason did buy a bike, and it looks like he bought something reasonable. #
- RE: Jason, I’m still skeptical, as bikes don’t necessarily provide the same level of comfort I think Jason is used to. #
Twitter Updates for 2008-10-12
- I am so glad I broke my emotional ties to the Bengals. Made listening to the loss today while I worked in the barn somewhat pleasant. #