Ben “I’m an Idiot” Roethlisberger

Just so we’re clear on this:

Out on the AP newswire today this was published:

PITTSBURGH (AP) — Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger said he doesn’t plan on doing public safety announcements for motorcycle or helmet safety following his motorcycle accident last month.

“I don’t think that’s my place,” Roethlisberger said in a taped interview aired Friday on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“Some people feel that, you know, I probably should be doing that and being a big advocate for that,” Roethlisberger said from Los Angeles. “But for me, I’m going to let people make their own decisions … So I don’t think you’ll see me doing any kind of billboards or advertisements.”

I too support people’s right to make their own decisions, but let me get this straight.

You just had an accident by which you smashed your head into a car, and were with in ‘seconds’ of losing your life because you didn’t wear a helmet.

Imagine if you had been on a rural road, or somewhere where paramedics wouldn’t have gotten to you so fast. You’d be dead.

Now I’m know that helmets don’t save everyone and as I’ve posted in the past, neither do seat belts. In your accident however, it would have been huge!

Ben, you’re an influential person, no matter how stupid you may be.

Here’s to hoping that the judge forces you to do community service announcements as part of your punishment. Since you didn’t even have a valid motorcycle license (maybe you had temps) and if you did, you were required by LAW to wear a helmet.

There’s no deciding there, you didn’t have a choice to make. You hadn’t yet earned that choice.

Perhaps you should be advocating that NFL players should have the ‘right’ to choose not to wear a helmet during games?


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Now this has got to stop!

Tiger apologizes for ‘spaz’ comments. Yeah, you read that right. Read the whole thing here.

This is ridiculous! So over in the UK, the term “spaz??? is considered a derogatory term for persons afflicted with spastic paralysis.

Guess what? That shouldn’t matter!

(A) Tiger isn’t from the UK

(B) Tiger wasn’t playing golf in the UK when he said it.

(C) He was referring to himself when he said it.

(D) Nobody important cares!

Stop it people, just stop it. I’m almost 40 years old. I called people a “spaz’ when I was 8 years old. I’ve “spazzed??? myself on more than one occasion, oh and I’ve played golf like a “SPAZ??? too. (note spaz with capitol letters, that should really get some paralyzed UK people all up in arms).

Webster (or defines spaz as: One who is considered clumsy or inept. The verb spazzing is to be clumsy or inept. That’s what Tiger meant.

Even growing up I knew that, or rather that it was short for spastic, “of, relating to, or characterized by spasms.

Grow some skin people. It’s not like he said I played like a “Serial Killer about to take my 9th victim???, even if he did, why would we care about offending serial killers?

All these people who were offended by Tiger using the word “spaz??? to describe his crappy golf stroke throughout the final holes, I have a few words for you that you might be familiar with:

Whiner, bellyacher, crab, curmudgeon, malcontent, sourpuss, grouser, and grump.

Put the word “Spastic??? in front of any one of those and you’d have a pretty good phrase that adequately describes what you are for even whining about this.

Tiger doesn’t need to apologize, he doesn’t need to explain either, hell I shouldn’t have too but apparently someone does.

95% of the world knows what he meant and he didn’t mean to offend anyone. If he did though, it wasn’t vulgar, nor offensive by mainstream standards. So suck it up.

It’s getting to the point where celebrities, sports figures, just about anyone can’t say anything at all without offending someone. Get over it, before you ruin everything, ya bunch of spazzed out sissies.


Oh, and if in the picture above is how he putted, then he was right, that’s a spaz stance. But he’s Tiger, and he’s the pro and he’s on the tour and if it works for him, then Go Get Em Tiger.

Ahh the first grass cutting of the year…

Well it was about time. The area around the house that the dogs keep fertilized was darn near knee high. Honestly though with all the rain and our schedule. Tonight was the first night I had opportunity to get on a lawnmower.




But we Got-r-Dun. Well about 80% of it anyway, at least the part that counts. But I did mow the field where the barn’s gonna go. Michael had 4 teeth pulled today so he sat this one out.

The only new problem we have is Moles.

We are being over-run with moles. I need a sure-fire solution to trap those little $@@%#’s. We have a barn cat but it’s about as usless as Monty it appears. We have more mole runs and squishy turn than ever before.

I guess, I could just consider them pets, and not have to worry about them anymore.

But I just don’t like sinking in my yard when I walk.

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My new toy, the Paslode Cordless Framing Nailer!

Since we never have enough projects going on, and since we never got any bids on refinishing the attic we decided well, we’ll just do it ourselves.

Being that the house is an 1850’s farm house and that there isn’t a straight wall in it, it won’t matter much if when I refinish the attic that the walls aren’t perfect.

I don’t do drywall. Drywall sucks, you either have what it takes to do drywall or you don’t and I don’t have that genome.

Our attic is 40 feet long and already has drywall up to where the walls meet the rafters. The rafters are the original hand honed wood rafters with some additional wood nailed too it from time to time as those rafters have sagged here and there. We’re gong to branch off of that and create a straight surface to mount some paneling or wainscot or something.

We’ll attempt to keep it looking somewhat like it fits, but we’re not going to kill ourselves or spend a ton of money.

Nailing into those old beams is no fun, no sir. So what do you need? A framing nailer, that’s what. We took some measurements today and headed off to the Depot. I looked at a number of framing nailers. Most would require me to get a larger compressor as well. Then the gentlemen pointed to the Paslode Cordless.


He said we seem to sell a lot of these lately, the construction guys love them. They don’t have to use a compressor. It was on sale but it was still about $100 more than the on sale (lowest priced air driven framing nailer). I picked it up, it wasn’t too heavy. A decent compressor was going to run me well more than $100, probably double that. Then I’d have to lug it around deal with the hoses and the noise.
It uses their fuel cells, and it’s totally portable, no compressor needed. Way cool. I decided to give it a try.

We bought a pack of nails, generic not Paslode brand which were twice the price. The sales associate promised me they’d work just as well. I wasn’t keen on buying a gun that had proprietary nails.

We headed home and proceeded to get to work. First order of business was to charge the battery. This thing has a battery good for 4000 or so nails. The battery runs the fan and ignites’ the charge. Small problem, there wasn’t an AC adapter in the package. Grrrr!.

Claudine was kind enough to run back to the store to exchange it while Michael and I got busy.

During the time she was gone, Micheal and I pounded a couple of the 2×4’s into place and it completely sucked. The pounding just shook dust loose from everywhere, mortar from around the chimneys was falling, it all was no good. Those beams are hard as a rock. Not to mention the bent nails.

About an hour and a half later (with the new nail gun) it had enough of a charge to give it a go. I was mighty impressed. I loaded the Paslode, put the fuel in, set it for the deep setting, put the battery in, and WHAM. Nice, 3 inch nail, through the 2×4 properly sunk and into the beam. It couldn’t be better.

I’ll use this with the barn and other things for sure.  If you have one of these, or have used one, or have had any experiences good or bad with Paslode please post them in the comments.