Larry The Cable Guy – Health Inspector

We just got back from Larry the Cable Guy, Health Inspector.


It’s your standard “B” comedy flick, worth Matinee prices. If you don’t know who Larry is this movie would be a good intro. It’s you’re basic ‘Man’ comedy. Not too rude, but there are plenty of fart and poop jokes. It is your basic Larry comedy fair.

One of the best lines in the movie is “I’ll be right back, I have to take the Browns to the Super Bowl”.

The movie’s story and plot, well, they are what they are. Pretty much what you’d in a fairly low-budget B grade comedy. You have to go in expecting that, or at least you should. Just go expecting a good laugh, that’s what you’ll get and I don’t see how you’ll be disappointed. “I don’t care who you are, some of it is just plain funny”.

The movies website is here. I enjoyed it for what it is.

Can’t get good help these days

It’s Tuesday night, I stopped by the Lumber store on Saturday and layed out the barn.

It’s a pretty simple pole barn.  24×30 with (at that time) 2 man doors and a slider.

I was supposed to have pricing first thing monday morning.  As of now I’ve heard nothing.

I left them with two contact numbers.  I suppose I’ll have to stop there tomorrow morning on the way into work.

We’ve now rearranged it so that we want two sets of sliders and one man door.  I’m sure that will change everything and they’ll have to re-draw it and put it back through the system.  Giddy-Up.

And the Lady Eagles are Champions!

Today Maggies team played a pretty tough team. A team from Finneytown to be exact in the championship game.

Her game was to start at 4pm. Now we have yet to be at a game all year that started on time but that’s beside the point.

We left the house at 3:10, it’s a 25 minute drive to get where we need to be. 30 minutes TOPS. Except for today.

We hopped on I-75 south and before we got to 129 cars were backedup, it was a parking lot. I figured, well the accident is probably at the 129 interchange or at Tylersville as it sometimes happens there. I’ll gut it out. Nope. I turned on the radio. You know 700 WLW, traffic and weather together on the 10’s. ALL DANG DAY on the week days when you don’t need it. Never when you do? And this Artemis system that we paid for (tax payers that is), what good is that? It took me over an hour to get from Tenton to Sharonville.

Flipping back and forth between 700 and 550, not a mention of this wreck which was actually much farther south between Cin-Day road and Union Center. Apparently it had been there since 11:30am.

Holy @#$%, why can’t they get that on the radio?

I bailed off at Tylersville once I got there but since this wreck had been happening since oh before noon, so had every other person who knew there way around, or thought they did. It was a mess.

But I digress. The game was close, The Eales were never behind (so I hear). We got there just before the half, and the team played very very well.

That FinneyTown team is coached well too, I give them a lot of credit. We only played our best girls for the most part (it was the championship game afterall, and by the looks of things they did the same).

This was a stark contrast to Maggies Soccer Experience where they won only one game and that was a mirracle.

We didn’t have a camera, so we don’t have any pictures of the champs. We’re hoping one of Maggies teamates will forward me a photo that they took.

Molly and Claudine are spending the night in Dublin. Molly has a meet tomorrow. She should do well. Especially since no one is there to see it.

Winter Colds

Just when I thought I had escaped this winter without getting a cold or flu something hit me Tuesday.

Right after I ate at the Chinese buffet. Coincidence? I don’t know. But today (now Thursday) it’s settled in my neck and it’s killing me. I’m so stiff I can barely sit here and type.

Someone please shoot me.

What is this world coming to? No Crime Committed

The other night while driving home late like around midnight, and listening to the radio, at the top of the hour one of the news items went like this:

“There was an incident at the mall today (name withheld), witnesses say a child was reluctant to get in a car with an older man. When approached the man seemed aggravated. The car was a Blue such and such with Arizona plates. (We’re I Ohio). Police would like to locate this man and question him. They don’t know if he’s visiting relatives. The child was bi-racial. (I’m not sure what that has to do with it). At this time no crime has been committed.???

  • I’m not sure how that’s news.
  • As a parent, I can’t remember the number of times a child has been reluctant to get in the car or has been having a bad day, or didn’t want to leave some where we were because they didn’t get a toy or candy or what ever, or was just plain unhappy about the situation.
  • Why do the police need to question this man if no crime has been committed, of there is no report of a missing bi-racial child? Abducted by a blue care with Arizona plates? There was no Amber alert on any of the road signs that I passed.

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