Barn Update June 7th

Oh yeah, Stalls and Lofts, Oh my.

It’s really happening, really it is.

Photos on this page of the Gallery here.Charlie and Co. started Monday, set the posts, returned yesterday and got a LOT done. The stalls are all but done and the bulk of the loft. Today they need to put the walk way between them in, finish the stall doors and we’re set.

Claudine picked up the stall mats so we have some sand leveling to do.

Then some electrical work for outlets and lighting (still waiting on the final though).

Right now we’re leaving the stalls half height until we get a 2nd horse, then we’ll put up wire mesh in the upper half between them to keep them separated. But they will be able to stick their heads over so the stalls will feel larger to them.

Right now the plan is to bring the horse home Friday.

There is clean up to be done and one more gate for the mud lot to buy. Then all the interior fun stuff begins. Giddy-up.

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More horse homestead progress.

This weekend we added more fencing. We fenced in a smaller dry lot area inside the paddock. This is the place Cisco will spend most of his time. Since he’s basically a pig and will eat himself to death, he gets to eat everything out of this area until it’s gone. Then he’ll wander around in the dirt looking at all the grass he can’t get too.

While punching the holes for these posts, Rick dropped off the two dump truck loads of sand for the stall beds.

We spread those too. This was the final step keeping us from putting the loft and stalls in place.

We called Charlie and that work begins on Monday (tomorrow). Now we’re rounding 3rd and heading for home with the bulk of the work.

Still to do is:

Electrical, the lighting (after the loft and stalls are in) Gravel for lot and driveway, additional down spout plumbing, a well dug at some point and plumbing therein. Of course the tack room, goat have one of those.

But we should be able to get the horse home soon.

BobCat’s are soo cool!

The barn, we are getting so close. Thursday night 5 single axle dump truck loads of fill dirt showed up.

Saturday morning they were still sitting there un-touched. While mowing Saturday I had left a call to the Anders, some neighbors down the road to see if I could borrow or rent one of their tractors. I needed to back fill the trench where they ran the electric out to the barn. It didn’t seem as though the electricians were going to do that. Being as this was a holiday weekend I wasn’t holding my hopes too high.

Sunday morning Mr. Baker came to cut the hay, who is also coincidently the person who’s supposed to spread all this dirt. So we flagged him down.

We chatted for a while and I offered to get started, the least I could do was start moving the dirt and spreading it around for him. He agreed and so it began.

BobCat’s are cool. If you recall we used his bobcat to punch the fence post holes. I used the bobcat to back fill the trench, work on the end of the driveway, and fill in a sink hole that just appeared in the yard.

Grading ground with a bobcat is an art, much like doing drywall is an art. It looks easier than it is. There is a lot of technique to it, and working with wet muddy dirt is no fun. But I managed. I got the 5 truck loads of dirt spread over the last two days. We still need the sand for the stalls and maybe 2 more loads of dirt. But no more critters can get in the barn.

It’s going to take time to settle, and there’s plenty of raking to be done. So if you feel bored, or need some exercise, grab a rake and head on out.

Photos are in the Gallery here.

No our barn isn’t crooked, the wide angle lens makes it look like that. 😉

Latest Barn Photos

Are posted in the Gallery here.

Outside of filling this sucker up and grading the ground around it, we’re done with the shell.

[Sorry photos removed, Gallery Installation ran amuk
and all the links went fubar, the link to the Barn gallery is good above]
The Sky lights really let a lot of light in 🙂
The electric trenched up the driveway, and across the yard.

Our new “Dual” service, single meter. 300 hundred amps of goodness to the house, all updated. The meter is now outside so we no longer have to be awoken, or bothered by the meter reader. (woohoo).

(For larger images click the link up top and view the images in the Gallery)

Barnin’ and Fencin’

Well, technically, it’s done. The barn that is. The shell of the barn is done, we have all the parts and trim we’re supposed to have. All of the doors open, close and lock. We even have electric. But it has yet to be filled in and leveled off.

(Pictures soon)

We also almost finished the fencing this weekend. We have about an 8 foot section left. Even the gates are up. Woohoo.

So once the barn gets filled and the groundwork is done, the stall and loft building can commence. As soon as that is done we’ll finally be ready. We’re only a month behind or so it feels like it. Yeah, it feels like it because we are 😉

Hopefully in two weeks or so we’ll have Cisco Home.