
Matthew Alexander Disher was born at 11:58pm 12/07/2007

Weighing in at a modest 9 lbs 13 oz

Longer than the measure on the scale, with a full head of hair, and I’m not sure but I think he might be able to walk too 🙂

According to the Dr. he looked to be right at around 42 weeks and not overdone at all.

He arrived right when he meant too.

Claudine and Baby Matthew are doing just fine. We should be home in a few hours.

Baby Update

We’re currently hanging out in a birthing suite at Bethesda North. We got here around 10:30am to start the induction process. It’s 3:30pm and things are progressing.

The Pitocin is flowing and the contractions are starting to come.

So far our Dr. and the nurse that’s assigned to us has been awesome.  Almost the exact opposite of what we expected.

With luck we’ll be out of here by 6-7pm 🙂 I’ll post an update later.

Update 9:15pm:

Well, things were progressing very well. Labor was strong, they cut the Pitocin around 6:30ish as things were well under way. Claudine’s water broke around 7pm and everything intensified, but the baby isn’t moving down and out.

After laboring for another two hours or so in the tub, the Dr. decided that she wasn’t making the progress he’d like to see. A number of things factor into this and every delivery is different.

Claudine was getting worn out and asked for an epidural around 8:45, after pushing in some fluids the performed the procedure. Needless to say she’s feeling pretty good right now. Given that this was the very last thing in the world that she wanted, you can imagine that it wasn’t anything like she’d experienced before.
We’re waiting for things to progress naturally and see how things turn out. We’re still hoping she can deliver w/o any other intervention. The baby’s fine, heart rate and blood pressure are good at this point.

More later…

Update 10:30pm

Claudine is felling no pain and things are progressing right along. She’s fully dilated and the baby is moving on down. More importantly, while she was resting, I was able to get out and run to Chipotle and get a burrito for Brenda, Priscilla, and myself. I left at 9:45 and made it to the Sharonville Chipotle at 9:59pm. Getting back in the hostpital was a bit of a chore though… The close the main door and ask you to enter via the Emergency entrance. That’s fine, but it’s cold, wet and raining and there isn’t a sidewalk to connect the two.

Even so, I was back in the room by 10:20pm 🙂

More later….

WordPress Updates

This site is somewhat broken while we upgrade to WP 2.3.1

Our Theme is broken as are a number of plugins.

We’re working on that.

It looks like we finally have things back to where they were.

Including imported tags, updated Tarski and a few other changes.

It’s all good.

Also enabled wp-cache to try and speed things up… We’ll see how that goes.

Assassins Creed for PS3

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This is the game or the type of game that we bought a PS3 for. It’s outstanding. A better Prince of Persia if you will.

The story line is good, albeit a bit odd with the whole ‘memory thing’ with the Animus, but the actual game play portion is outstanding. The Animus and memory stuff will simply provide the lose strings to tie all of the upcoming versions together. I get that but it’s uneccessary.

The visuals are incredible and map is huge.

This game does have some freezing issues, enough to be very annoying especially with it’s slow load and restore time, but even with those issues, it’s still worth it. I understand a patch is forthcoming from Ubisoft. Which given it’s release on or about the 15th, isn’t too bad.

As with other reviews, the game does get somewhat repetitive. After the first 3 assassinations, you’ve pretty much seen it all. You continue to travel back to the same cities and repeat similar assassinations. Each city is unique as are the towns folk and soldiers but they all fight the same. The game does get progressively harder and the soldiers become more aware. To balance that out you’re given more weapons and or expertise with each of the ones that you have.

Collecting flags is optional and don’t benefit you in any way. It would be nice if they did, if they gave you additional weapons or strengths by finding them. After the game is complete it would be nice if they unlocked the flags on the map so that you could actually find them all. Some of them are challenging enough to get once you see them, but finding them is often like looking for a needle in a haystack.

If you do get stuck the walkthroughs on the assassins creed website are great. or directly here: AC Help for PS3

This FAQ has almost everything in it, and will spoil the end of the game if you read it all.

Things I really wish they would change for the next installment. All of the cut scenes should be OPTIONAL after you’ve watched them once. It’s probably the only thing keeping me from going back and re-doing everything I missed. I’d gladly do the quest again if I didn’t have to sit through the cut scenes and speeches. They were OK the first time, perhaps a little long but we shouldn’t be forced to watch them every time we need to move forward.

Any review that rates this an 8.5 or above is spot on.

It could use more variety as the game progresses which I suspect Ubi will tackle the next time around.

I highly recommend this game. It’s much more playable and enjoyable than say ‘Resistance’ to me. It’s not just about killing monsters or mutants, yet it’s not as technical as a splinter cell game. It’s right in the middle and very well done.