Learning to drive, Police and Roadblocks.

We had an “incident” the other night while Michael was driving. He of course is in the learning stage. No, I was not the one driving with him.

Apparently there is or was some confusion over what a Police road block looks like.

Based up on the incident the other night, I felt it necessary to create this visual aid.

Identifying road blocks:


Oh, and let me add; Even if you don’t like how the officer is performing his or her road-block, you probably shouldn’t argue with them. 🙂

CGA Level 5 State Competition.

Ah the season finale took place yesterday in loverly Lima, Ohio.

The girls did well, and ended up with second place.  The judging was overly harsh at this competition for some reason, or so it seemed.

There is usually some variance in the scores from meet to meet, and certainly this one was no exception. 

We are so very proud of Molly.  This was the first meet that she wasn’t nervous.  She worked her butt off since the last meet and she was absolutely 100% ready.  We are so proud of her work ethic, and her attitude.  We know she gave a 100% at this meet.   She didn’t score real well, but that’s OK.  I think she got hosed on her floor and beam routing.  They were as good as I’ve seen her do, yet the scores weren’t there.  Molly wasn’t alone in this category.   A lot of girls simply didn’t get the scores they should have.  selavi

Photos that I took during the meet have been published in the Picasa Web Gallery.

They aren’t my ‘best work’, the lighting in that gym was probably the worst we’ve seen, and I had a setting on my camera enabled that shouldn’t have been.


From CGA Level 5 S…

I’ve ridden the white knuckle express.

If you were thinking about visiting Kings Island for the thrills, let me save you some money.

Michael got his temps yesterday.  🙂  If you want a thrill ride, just let me know and I’ll put you in a car with him 🙂  

Claudine let him maneuver the Excursion around a parking lot yesterday for a bit and he did O.K.   He’s driven or ridden other things.  He’s had dirt bikes and I even let him drive the 83 Ford Truck we had out in the field one day when he was 12 or something.

Tonight we made an ice cream run to Krogers, only a 5 mile trip both ways.  He did pretty good all in all.  🙂

New Addition to the family…

Meet Jake:


Jake is an 8 month old Parson’s Jack Russell, he’s easily 2 times the size of Monty. I personally preferred the short legged Jack Russell’s, but then Jake is a pretty cool dog.

So far these two seem to get along, at least until there’s something they disagree on like a bone.

We’ve had him for 4 days and so far he’s doing great. He was a rescue from a family that had to get rid of him because they weren’t supposed to have a dog in their apartment in the first place.

I think he’s a keeper.