Well, it’s done, sort of…

Let the real fun begin.

Cisco is home as of today.

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Sorry for the poor picture quality, we weren’t thinking ahead, this came off my phone.

But he’s home, and he’s happy and so is Claudine. There’s still lots of work to do including finding a pasture pal or stable mate for Cisco.

But we’ve accomplished what we set out to do this spring.

Maria Pulls another one

Maria yanks a tooth in record time.

It was splitting her gum but it had to go. We encouraged her to get it out, and since it was bed time and she’d rather do that then go to bed, she worked on it for about 15 minutes.

Dad even gave it a tug or two. It was still in there pretty good, but she worked it.


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Open Positions at Seapine Software

Open Positions at Seapine Software, I know we’re looking for the following:

A Product Manager. By that I mean someone with serious software product management skills. Someone that is marketing savvy, and technical. Someone that has been around the block and hopefully is in our market space. If you’ve got the guts, drop us a resume.

At last check we still needed a Business to Consumer Copywriter. I’m not sure what it takes to pass muster around here, but apparently you need to be special. If you are tops in the B to C copywriting gene pool, send us a resume.

We are also looking for a PR person. That stands for Public Relations. Someone to get us noticed, keep us in the forefront, help us build brand awareness. Seems like a good thing, and if you’re good at it, then we would have a spot for you. Please note, we’re only interested in good PR at this time. If your idea of generating Press is run around the office naked, or bringing a gun to work, we don’t need that kind of press.

[Update: It looks like we may have hired a PR Manager]

All good software companies have these things. We are an excellent software company. If you’re working for a once excellent software company and wish to feel that excitement again then dog-gone it, get with the program and send us a resume.

Visit www.seapine.com for contact information.

[Note: This advertisement is my own; it is not sanctioned by my employer in any way. The opinions expressed here, if there are any opinions, are also my own and they may not represent those of my employer. If you feel you meet the description of any of these positions you are encouraged to apply for them. No offer of employment is extended. Any reference to positions represented here future; past or present is purely coincidental.]

Technorati Tags: , , , , For more info please visit homeinsurance-companies.com .

Molly and Level 5

We got our letter today and Molly will be moving up to Level 5.

We’re pretty dag-gum proud of her.

She’s also going off to a week of Gymnastics camp at Camp Woodward in Pennsylvania. Looks like a pretty cool place.

This is a pretty big deal for her. We’re excited, and she is pretty fired up. She hasn’t been away from us for a week, or rather hasn’t been away from family in a week. She will be with Mama Lichey, who is as good as it gets. In fact Molly said, “Mom, if I couldn’t have you as a mom, Ms. Sharon would be OK”. So she’ll be fine.

She also got her press today from the floor to handstand without any help. I think she did another 25 of them tonight after she got home.

Go Molly Go!

Birthday Party Madness

Birthday Party Photos are online in the Gallery.

As posted previously, we hosted a 3.5-way birthday/skating party for the kids this past weekend.

Photos are here.