Rounding out the weekend with birthday parties.

We finished off our weekend with a quadruple birthday party celebration.

We had a Skating party to celebrate all the kids birthdays.  Rather than have 4 distinct birthday parties, the kids decided to have one _large_ skating party.  So we rented out the rink for 2 hours, and had 3 and a half parties.  Michael didn’t really want a part he just wanted a few friends over to skate.

But Molly, Maria and Maggie all did the cake, and present thing at the rink.

It was a success, and lots of fun.  We killed 3 birds with one stone, had lots of fun.  I think everyone enjoyed it and no one got hurt.

I took lots of pictures and I’ll post them in the next day or so.

Monty is loving it.

Monty eats up all this time outside working in the field. That little bugger lives to be outside chasing anything that moves in the hay.

I snapped a couple photos of him while I was out shooting the progress on the barn today. The hay is currently taller than him by, oh about 6 inches.

Weekend Update

Ahh, the weekend.
Well Pooh, I guess the other guy who was borrowing the BobCat needed it longer, or maybe he broke it because it never returned 🙁   so we didn’t get any more work on the fence done.

Next week and weekend should be big.  We’ll finish out our plans for the loft and the stalls.

Today Molly competed in the Level 4 & 5 State finals.  She did rather well all things considered.  They had more flights of 9 year olds than you could imagine.  She scored her all-time high All around score, a 36.795 ?  Which aint too shabby.

She hit the podium twice, and was in a group of 9’s that were pretty dang good.  Had she been in another group she’d had placed a lot higher, 2nd or third.  As it was she took 5th over all.  Very well done.  We are proud of her.  She finally notched a 9 on the Beam.  So she’s notched 9’s on everything at least once.  She had a rocking bar, beam and vault.  Her floor routine was good too but the judges were a little off.  She still scored well.

As it sits now Molly is thinking of dropping out of the USAG and going into the recreational ranks.  CRT team I think.  They practice fewer days, do fewer and smaller meets and don’t stress as much.  Molly sure has improved and this year she’s really grown as a person.  We love what it’s done for her.  But she’s tired.  Mama Litch is retiring and she means a lot to Molly.  Molly loves gymnastics, but she likes other things too, it’s not the end all and be all in her life and I think that’s good.

She’s honest, gives it her all and she’s happy with her results.  She never looks up the podium and an frowns because she didn’t end up with better than 3rd place.  She’s never looked at a medal or ribbon and sloughed it off because it wasn’t the right color.  She’s been happy with everything she’s received.

She’s a winner no matter what.

The state meet was held in Celina, OH, across from Grand Lake St. Marys.  Which: “Was originally constructed as a feeder reservoir for the Miami-Erie Canal, Grand Lake St. Marys was for many years recognized as the largest man-made reservoir in the world.???  Read more about that here.

I thought it was the largest man made lake, or at least it was at one time.

My dad and I took this opportunity to ride to the event.  It was a beautiful day, a tad windy but still we had a good time.  Maggie rode with me for the trip.  She’s a trouper she made it both ways without a complaint.  She was born to ride.  All in all we did about 210 miles.  1/5th an Iron Butt.  Come to think of it.  I wonder what the youngest official Iron Butt pillion is. Hrms…

Easter Weekend part II

It’s clear how we spent the first half of the weekend putting up fence. Grandma was kidn enough to take the two youngest Saturday so that we wouldn’t have to work around them. She brought them back bright and early Sunday morning to participate in Easter at our home. How she managed to get Maria up and dressed I’ll never know.

We did our completed the basket and egg hunt in due time, made breakfast then crashed from the prior days activities.

Still Easter evening was yet to come.

Easter at grandmas, it’s another one of those times of year when we all get together, hang out and pig out.

This year (2006) was no exception. We started late in the day so that we all could attend to the things we needed to do like putting in fence posts.

We arrived at around 5:15pm. About oh, 30 minutes later than we planned but that’s typical when you have 4 kids, one of them named Maria, to get dressed and ready.

We showed up and everyone was doing what we do best, eat. We joined right in. The Honey-Baked ham was excellent of course as were all the other things people brought. We played basketball and tossed a Frisbee. The kids played in the playhouse and on the play ground stuff.

Finally it was time for the big egg hunt at grandma’s house. The kids had a blast as usual. Maria is a championship caliber egg hunter. Hands down, I don’t think there is anyone between the ages of 5 and 10 that can beat her.

We all had a good time.

Not that I’m biased or anything but I have the cutest nephew on the planet.

All Full Size Photos are in the gallery: Easter-2006 Gallery


Level 4 & 5 Pep Rally and Princess Parade

Tonight was the CGA Level 4 & 5 Pep Rally and Princess Parade.

Molly got to go to Gymnastics dressed in her princess attire.  Which was basically a tiara and robe.  (As was the same for most other princesses).   Afterwards there was much fun and games as the parents and coaches wound them up for the upcoming state meet.  Including one parent in a Gorilla outfit. 🙂

More photos in the Dishers Gallery here.