Hosting issues….

The Web host has moved me to a new server to try and fix some of the performance issues I was having.

The site is mostly back up, but the image gallery is broken.   I hope to have that restored in the near future.

Update:  The issues with the Gallery seem to be resolved.   All other aspects of seem to work for me.  If you find something that’s broken please let me know.

email me:  matt [at] dishers [dot] com

SkyBus, ouch

So Claudine is on a trip in Vermont with Michael and Matthew. It was driven by the death of her cousin but they planned to visit for a week. They flew SkyBus up, and certainly intended to fly them home.

It’s a darn good thing she checked the web today. Had she shown up Tuesday to get on the plane it would have been really bad.


Fortunately she was able to find a flight that wasn’t too expensive. It involves a lay-over somewhere and she won’t get home until the evening.

Bad Boys Bad Boys what ja gonna do?

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The problem with having any amount of land is that people seem to think they can just use it. Our property is situated in such a way that it’s pretty convenient to ‘cut through’ it. We’ve tried to discourage that as much as possible. It is ‘fenced’ but that doesn’t seem to stop folks.

This morning was exciting. I was woken up by one of the girls letting me know there were kids in our field again. Last year they had built a hide out among the power lines. Which as far as that goes doesn’t bother me as much as they had taken tools from the barn to build their hide-out.

I’ve scared the bejezus out of the kids in the past, and have waited until they have crossed our property only to make them turn around and go back. Apparently this isn’t enough.

So I hopped up got dressed, grabbed the Excursion and headed out to the field and caught one of those nasty trespassers. I kindly explained that this was private property, and he was trespassing and I didn’t want to see him here again. Then I asked where his friends were, and he said there were a couple ‘over there’.

Over there as it turns out was a complete camp, with tents, tables, chairs, and a roaring fire.

Technically though it was on our neighbors property but I knew they didn’t have permission. So I decided to play camp counselor.

I popped in and introduced myself, let them know they were where they didn’t belong. I asked them to pack up and move along. They weren’t very enthusiastic, (I’m not sure I would have been either having slept through the cold last night). I explained to them that the Sheriff was on his way and if they left before then, well, that be in their best interest. Still they didn’t seem to move too fast, which was unfortunate for them.

Apparently this camp site has been there for a while. Possibly even last summer, which just proves my neighbor isn’t all that in tune with what happens at his property.

The ‘Law’ showed up, and hassled them a bit, and made them clean up. I think that probably scared them enough. Not like I ever did anything like that when I was a kid 🙂

We assume they’ll spread the word that the camp site is closed. We’ll keep an eye on it and have something special for the next round of visitors.

I’m thinking maybe we’ll drop a nice stink bomb in the middle of their camp at 6am next time.

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I had tried to take photos of the camp site but my camera had spent the night on the bike and was essentially frozen. By the time the ordeal was over, it was working again.

It’s always something.

It’s a new day at

Well sort of, more like it’s a new HOST at

In light of things happening around me I’ve decided it’s time to move It’s now placed with a recommended 3rd party host. So far I like it. The transition was simple enough because I already hosted my own DNS. (Although in the process I have migrated that back to GoDaddy because it relieves me of the burden of keeping another box up too.

So far everything still works. is still on the old box and is currently broken and I’m in a quandary as to what to do with these. Newer stuff is in the Google/Picassa gallery but it isn’t really easy to organize.

There is almost a gig of photos in the old gallery and to be honest I’m not really looking forward to the process of re-uploading them and re-organizing them anywhere. It’s going to be a very time consuming process.

Please do let me if you run into something that’s horribly broken. eMail me or leave a comment.

Additionally is probably going away. I haven’t really decided yet what to do with that but I think it’s run it’s course. I may just start fresh with newer forum software and see where things go.

Well it happened…

With just the right amount of rain and a little bit of wind that we had today…

This became this:

It was only a matter of time… This time a guy offered to at least cut it up for us and get it out of the driveway. He’s returning the favor because I let him cut down a certain type of tree along our tree line that he uses to make bows or something.

We’ll see how well this works out.