Just a Photo update (August)

From this album: http://picasaweb.google.com/mdisher/AugustMiscPhotos#

Molly at Firecracker Camp:

Matthew and his Cozy Coup…  He had a busy day including a small ‘incident’.

Hanging on the porch swing

Time to take the car for a walk…

Oh the bees…

He took my coffee


This is right before he poured it on Jake…

It wasn’t hot, but Jake was not pleased, nor entertained.

(What do you mean I can’t do that? Sure I can, I just did.)

Escort vs. Train

This morning on his way to school, Michael hit a train.  Yep, you read that right.  Miraculously, he walked away.  Sore as hell, just a few scratches on his right hand, banged up his knee a bit, but other than that he’s OK.

Apparently, he was behind a school bus that turned right at the tracks.  The school bus blocked his view of the flashing lights, and the train was coming from the right.  When he cleared the school bus he saw the train, but it was too late.   Hit slammed on the brakes and ended up hitting the 4th car from the Engine (according to the conductor).

He’s very, very lucky.

From Escort vs. Train

Channel 12’s Coverage

Channel 9’s Coverage

Ky Post Coverage

Giving up the Nicotine

“It’s Time”

I’m 40-something and started smoking when I was 14 or so. 

When Michael was born, Claudine put her foot down.  No more smoking in the house.   Back then you could still smoke in most public places.  But standing outside in the cold weather wasn’t for me. 

So, I did the next best thing.  Switched up for something with no second-hand side effects.  (Chew or Dip).  It doesn’t affect those around you unless a: you spill it on them, or b: they grab your dip cup or can by mistake and take a swig.   The later was often comical though.

Anyway, that means I’ve been nicotine dependant for over 25 years.

As for dipping, it was a 5-can per week habit, nearly a can a day but not quite.  Sometimes more, sometimes less.

I have quit before, heck quitting is easy.  But staying that way hasn’t be so easy.  My most successful run was about 6 months, and I used the patch to get that far.  So still getting nicotine, only the clean pharmaceutical variety.

I am nicotine dependant, and addicted, there is no doubt about that. 

But I’m giving it up.  It’s simply “time to do so”.   I started yesterday, I’m not brave enough to go ‘cold-turkey’, and I also love my family too much to put them through that right now.   It wasn’t pleasant last time.

So I cut back significantly yesterday.   Only three small ‘fixes’.   May not seem like much but it was significant to me and actually wasn’t that easy.

I stuck with that routine today, at least as far in today as we are.  This mornings little fix was different.  Certainly not enjoyable.  Not like yesterday.  Nope, my body didn’t really like it.

I expect to drop it completely by Monday, heck if later today is like this morning, maybe sooner.

So there, I’ve said it.  I’ve posted it.  It’s public.  So after Monday, give me crap if you see me with tobacco.  It’s important for you to do so.  Now I just need to figure out how to not gain 30 lbs while doing this.  I really cannot afford to gain any more weight.

Forrest Gump Explains Mortgage Backed Securities

(Passed to me via email, but worth posting)

Mortgage Backed Securities are like boxes of chocolates. Criminals on Wall Street stole a few chocolates from the boxes and replaced them with turds. Their criminal buddies at Standard & Poor rated these boxes AAA Investment Grade chocolates. These boxes were then sold all over the world to investors. Eventually somebody bites into a turd and discovers the crime. Suddenly nobody trusts American chocolates anymore worldwide.

Hank Paulson now wants the American taxpayers to buy up and hold all these boxes of turd-infested chocolates for $700 billion dollars until the market for turds returns to normal. Meanwhile, Hank’s buddies, the Wall Street criminals who stole all the good chocolates are not being investigated, arrested, or indicted.

Mama always said: “Sniff the chocolates first Forrest”.

Which just goes to show you this whole thing stinks 🙂