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Dirt Bikes

Back in the day, I used to ride with my dad.  Play bikes mostly in the woods, for fun.  We had a Suzuki TT185 that actually belonged to a friend of my dads and a TS250 as well as a 1973 Rickman.  Once we moved out to the country is was time to do this again.  I picked up a bike for Michael, then myself and then grandpa followed suit.
Our current stable of mounts includes the following:

Kids Rides:

My Daughters 2001 PW 50

Maggie, 5 years old at the time, couldn't stand to watch her brother do something she couldn't do.  Before she could get a dirt bike I told her she needed to learn to ride a 'two wheeler bicycle'.  She immediately insisted I take her training wheels off.  Within an hour or two she was off and riding.  She was on her PW50 the very next weekend.  The next weekend she worked her way out of the throttle limiter and the pipe restrictor.


1996 PW 80:

Maggie has graduated from the PW-50 to the P-Dubya 80 : ) Which Michael started on and had thrashed pretty well.  As he says "I broke it in for her".


1999 XR 100R

After testing the limits of the P-Dubya's suspension it was time to upgrade Michael.  We found a great deal on a very much like new XR 100.  It fits him very well.  Lots of low end, and enough travel to keep him happy for a while.  It's not a rocket, but awesome on the trails.


Dads Rides:
History repeats itself: in 2018:  Here we go again
=Everything below was circa 2000-2004.=

2000 YZ 250

This is what it's all about! This bike was bought new by my cousin Jeff in 2000, who dumped a lot into it, then sold it to his brother Jeremy when he bought a YZ 426.  Jeremy then got suckered into a KTM 400SX and needed to sell it.  I rode it on a weekend ride and fell in love.  So much different than my KDX.  Don't get me wrong, the KDX is great, but this woods-ed up YZ is the bomb.  The suspension just rocks compared to the KDX, and it's still a 2-smoke.  This should hold me for a year or two, then I might have to try one of those thumpers. 

Former Rides:
1998 KDX 200

I really enjoyed this bike.  Needed a little more umph to keep up with some relatives I ride with.  What's to say about a KDX ?  I'll probably own another one some day.  Hopefully 2004 will bring updated suspension which was my biggest complaint.  However, the bike was excellent at what it was designed for.  The perfect play bike.

as she looked the day she left :(

(Click for larger views)


1988 RM 250

It sold on ebay :( I don't even wanna talk about the price.  It rocked, but you had to ride it like you are mad at it.  It didn't like to be putted around.  It would eat plugs.  If you need to follow kids around on PW50's and 80's, it makes it kind of tough.  I will miss her :(