Wow! Naruto Shippuden filler list is the best.
Molly did it. She got that skill tonight she’s been working very hard and I knew she was close. Of course I wasn’t there to see it but that’s usually the way it goes.
I told her she’d get it on Friday (today) and she did. Hopefully I’ll get to see her do it tomorrow.
If you don’t know what that is, it’s when the gymnast is on the bars (usually the high one I suppose) and casts up into a hand stand and doesn’t ‘swing’ up into it. They just kind of do it. I’d show you but I don’t want to show off in front of my daughter
(I’m looking for a good animation for this but can’t find one, this is just the cast part sands the handstand, so imagine the handstand after the cast and you’ve got it)