- Dresser Drawer + Gravity 1, Matthew's big toe 0. On his way to Children's for what is likely a nail-ectomy. :/ #
Twitter Updates for Week of 2009-11-29
- the car has a case of the disappearing anti-freeze. So I got to ride to work today. Kinda chilly and threatening rain. (yahoo) #
- Black Friday is insane this year. But at least the economy is fixed. #
- Its actually kind of depressing seeing this many people scrapping to save $5 #
- If you brought your child ages 2-12 with you Black Friday shopping. You are stupid. #
- Is still on the shopping spree. Scored quite a few goodies at the columbia outlet. #
- Is still rockin the outlet mall. Watch those prices. Hanes sleep pants at the out let $13.99 regular price at Wally World $11.00 #
- The freak show today is at the Coach outlet store. #
- Shopping Fuel provided by Chipotle. #
- Crushed Black Friday today and took no prisoners. X-Mas shopping is now 97.3% complete. 🙂 Off to hibernate and recover for a couple days. #
Twitter Updates for Week of 2009-11-22
- is ready for the weekend! #
Twitter Updates for Week of 2009-11-15
- is starting to get withdrawal symptoms. I haven't played COD6 on PS3 in almost 12 hours. #
- ate way too much at City BBQ… Now fighting off the food coma while performing maintenance night. #
- is about to wrap up maintenance night. Good changes tonight. #
- man the Bears suck… Cutler is done, stick a fork in him. #
Twitter Updates for Week of 2009-11-08
- Cisco TAC how I loath thee, Thank you for taking what should be a 5 minute two click operation for someone and making it take 6+ hours.. #