Maria competed in her first meet today in Dayton/West Carrollton, Ohio at TWIGS.
As meets go, it was definitely the smallest we’ve ever been too. TWIGS does have a very nice facility. However they don’t have any level 3’s so we took our troop up there to compete against themselves. TWIGS had gymnasts in other levels, just not level 3, and I think we (CGA) brought 50 girls? (Doesn’t really make sense too me, in all my life playing sports, we never traveled somewhere to have our own team play themselves)
I think there should be a rule; if at least one other team in our level isn’t there, we don’t need to go, just send us the ribbons.
Any way, photos are in the Google Gallery. Same thing if you need/want a photo that’s more high-res than what is up there let me or C know.