
Matthew Alexander Disher was born at 11:58pm 12/07/2007

Weighing in at a modest 9 lbs 13 oz

Longer than the measure on the scale, with a full head of hair, and I’m not sure but I think he might be able to walk too 🙂

According to the Dr. he looked to be right at around 42 weeks and not overdone at all.

He arrived right when he meant too.

Claudine and Baby Matthew are doing just fine. We should be home in a few hours.

WordPress Updates

This site is somewhat broken while we upgrade to WP 2.3.1

Our Theme is broken as are a number of plugins.

We’re working on that.

It looks like we finally have things back to where they were.

Including imported tags, updated Tarski and a few other changes.

It’s all good.

Also enabled wp-cache to try and speed things up… We’ll see how that goes.